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《饮食保健》杂志由内蒙古大学主管主办,中国医促会协办的专业性国家级医学学术期刊、是中国医促会会刊。中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库收录期刊、中国期刊全文数据库收录期刊、中文科技期刊数据库收录期刊。国际刊号:ISSN2095-8439、国内统一刊号:CN15-1371/R、邮发代号2-196 。本刊服务于医学创新研究,以医疗事业改革和广大医疗工作者探究学习,增强医德,提升医术为主旨,努力体现专业性,学术性,权威性,贴近实际,追求实用。本刊长期面向全国征集医学学术论文,在本刊发表的论文可获得国家级继续教育学分。
    "Dietary health" magazine sponsored by the University of Inner Mongolia in charge, China Medical Foundation in association with the national professional medical journals, the China Medical Foundation journal. Chinese core journals (selection) database journals, Chinese Journal Full-text database journals, Chinese Scientific Journals Indexed journals. International Issues: ISSN2095-8439, national unity ISSN: CN15-1371 / R, Youfadaihao 2-196. Other service innovation in medical research to health care reform and the majority of health workers inquiry learning, enhance ethics, medicine for the purpose to enhance efforts to reflect the professional, academic, authority, close to reality, the pursuit of practical. Other long-term medical papers for the national assembly, the journal publishes papers available to national continuing education credits.

    "Dietary health" magazine service innovation in medical research to health care reform and the majority of health workers inquiry learning, enhance ethics, medicine for the purpose to enhance efforts to reflect the professional, academic, authority, close to reality, the pursuit of practical. Other long-term medical papers for the national assembly, the journal publishes papers available to national continuing education credits.

    《饮食保健》杂志的主要栏目:饮食保健、论著、临床报道、临证经验、调查与分析、中西医结合、针灸推拿、疗法与方药、实验研究、物定性定量研究、名医学术经验、教学探讨、文献综述、医学琐谈、制备与工艺、医经研读、教学园地、护理园地, 心理健康等栏目读者对象:各医疗机构科研人员、管理人员、医疗事业单位工作人员、医学院校的师生以及关注医疗卫生事业发展的广大爱好者。 
    The main section "dietary health" magazine: dietary health, monographs, clinical reports, clinical experience, research and analysis, integrative medicine, acupuncture and massage, therapy and prescription, laboratory research, and material qualitative and quantitative research, doctors academic experience, Teaching , literature review, medicine small talk, preparation and technology, medicine by studying, teaching garden, garden care, mental health and other columns audience: teachers and students of various medical institutions researchers, managers, health care workers and institutions, medical institutions Concerned about the health and development of the majority of fans.
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